• by  • December 9, 2021 • Doric III

    (Legal Entity Identifier: 213800BMYMCBKT5W8M49)      


    The Company advises that for the annual general meeting held on 9 December 2021, valid proxy appointments were made in respect of 154,160,173 redeemable ordinary preference shares of the Company being 70.07% of the total redeemable ordinary preference shares of the Company in issue, and voting was as follows:

    IT WAS RESOLVED to receive the annual financial report of the Company for the financial year ended 31 March 2021. (154,156,622 votes cast in favour, 1,171 against and 2,380 withheld.)

    IT WAS RESOLVED to re-appoint Grant Thornton Limited as auditor of the Company, to hold office from the conclusion of the meeting until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting to be held in 2022. (154,079,855 votes cast in favour, 52,938 against and 27,380 withheld.)

    IT WAS RESOLVED that the directors be authorised to agree the auditor’s remuneration. (154,157,793 votes cast in favour, none against and 2,380 withheld.)

    IT WAS RESOLVED to approve the Distribution Policy of the Company. (154,156,622 votes cast in favour, 1,171 against and 2,380 withheld.)

    IT WAS RESOLVED to re-elect Charles Wilkinson as a director. (154,124,620 votes cast in favour, 32,739 against and 2,814 withheld.)

    IT WAS RESOLVED to re-elect Geoffrey Hall as a director. (154,131,920 votes cast in favour, 25,439 against and 2,814 withheld.)

    IT WAS RESOLVED to re-elect Suzie Procter as a director. (154,131,920 votes cast in favour, 25,439 against and 2,814 withheld.)

    IT WAS RESOLVED to re-elect Andreas Tautscher as a director. (154,131,920 votes cast in favour, 25,439 against and 2,814 withheld.)

    For further information contact:

    JTC Fund Solutions (Guernsey) Limited
    Tel:  44 (0) 1481 702 400

    E&OE – in transmission.